
I was exposed to art at an early age, as my father is an artisan potter. That was in Gifu, Japan. He showed me how to make art out of clay when I was a child. I was also inspired by my grandmother, who was a painter; I spent a lot of time watching her paint. Art has always been an essential part of my life.

I love to create a peaceful and healing experience in photographic art – tranquility. My focus is on fine art photography, to infuse a unique aesthetic essence into the photographs. They embody a painterly look. They represent peaceful moments that we vaguely remember, like dreams from our childhood.

The idea of living in harmony is also a strong impulse. The color palette is subtle, as in Japanese art and culture. I like elusive and monochromatic colors so as to unite every object into a single oneness. Appreciating our lives and validating our inner selves brings our lives into harmony.

Photo essay by SACHI KATO
