HomeChildrenListening to Nature
Invite your friends or your parents or grandparents  to come for a walk with you somewhere in Nature. First read the story aloud together wherever you go - in a garden or a park, at the beach, or in the countryside.

Story from the Srimad Bhagavatam

King Yadu was taking a walk in the forest when he met an old man who had lived there for many, many years. After spending some time with him, the king found this man to be very learned and wise and wondered how he had learnt so much, living alone in the forest.

“I have had twenty-four teachers,” the old man answered. “They taught me everything I know.” The king was surprised, “Who are these wise teachers? What are their names and where can I find them? I too want to learn.”

The sage, with a twinkle in his eye, started naming all of them:

“The first is air. Just like air is not affected by odours, good or bad, I try to remain unaffected by good or bad situations.

“Look at the mountain far away. It taught me that I can rise above all difficulties and that I can stand straight and tall.

The sage dipped his foot in the rivulet flowing beside him. “Water is pure, clean, sweet and soothing.

“Then there is tree: it teaches one to be generous and to give without expecting in return.

“The moon teaches us to keep watch over the needs of friends, even in the darkest of times.

“Fire teaches us to be fearless and self- controlled and burn away all evil.

“The ocean teaches us to be calm and poised in knowledge, and not overflow nor dry up.

“Mud teaches to absorb good things and to keep our minds open.

“Stars teach us to aspire for the highest and shine even when it is dark.

“Bees shows us to accept the essence of everyone.”

The old sage said, “God created all these things in Nature, but was not satisfied. So he created human beings to use their wisdom to learn from them.”

After you have finished the story, go for a quiet walk and look around. See what you can add to the list. Listen. Listen to the flowers, the leaves, the insects, the earth, the rocks, the trees, the birds, the sky and the water. What do they tell you? Afterwards, draw, paint or write about your discoveries.

Contribute and Win

Please send whatever you create:  written articles as Word documents, and paintings and drawings as scanned images (>300 dpi) along with your name and address, to: contributions@heartfulnessmagazine.com
Prizes will be awarded to three very inspiring, original or beautiful entries.
