HomeVolume 5October 2020 Poem for my daughters

As I watch my daughters
navigate an imperfect world,
a world that is cruel and
at times crushing,
I see them searching for the light
as a way of being.

They are advocates for their own souls.

What better way to be is there in all the universe?
They are oriented toward success and service
as creators,
as spirits of possibility and
as stewards of compassion.
I am paying so much attention to them.
What I can witness and appreciate
is more powerful than what I can teach them now.
But I still want to share what I have learned and
collected here. Yes, it is a sharing, not a teaching as
I feel that I am still so early on this journey. I am still learning.

A spiritual life is critical to balance and grow in this life.
This is both intuitive and scientifically true, I have learned.
We are energy, we are vibration.
There is a hum in the universe that we can meet,
that we can match and align ourselves with and be whole.

How absolutely blissful is that?
The most ancient language we have on Earth –
Sanskrit – even has a phrase for this. It is
SAT CHIT ANANDA, the place of blissful truth.
Truth bliss.

Let us be there together.




Leslie Lyons

Leslie Lyons