HomeVolume 2-Issue 5Volume 2-Issue 5 We are moving galaxies of stars

LOUISE CAROTA explores creativity and the question of why we live our lives the way we do.

First and foremost I am an artist. It is the way I experience the world and it is how I best express happiness. When I am immersed in the creative zone – a non-verbal place of joy, delight, awe and wonder – it is akin to deep and profound meditation.

To the majority of people the process of how art is created is a mystery. Visual artists are not usually comfortable expressing themselves with words – that is why they create art. As an artist, my outlook on life and my personal philosophy about why we are here is expressed through painting, sculpture and through any medium I can get my hands on.

Miraculous as the process
of creating art is, an even
more remarkable insight
is the parallel between the
way art is created and how
we create our lives.

Miraculous as the process of creating art is, an even more remarkable insight is the parallel between the way art is created and how we create our lives.

It starts with a fully 3D thought form that arrives out of the blue and takes up residence in my being. If it is persistent enough it demands to be transformed into physical form immediately. Some projects sit around and wait patiently for years to come into being.

Every piece of art comes with a story: not so much the story of how it was created but why. There is a story about one particular piece of mine that I would like to share. It was inspired by something beautiful I read that referred to us as moving galaxies of stars. Since every cell in our bodies emits light, the image of a figure totally composed of points of light was easy to see.

Since every cell in our
bodies emits light, the
image of a figure totally
composed of points of
light was easy to see.

This was one of those pieces that insisted on being created now and is in no way similar to anything I had done before or will ever be likely to do again. It’s large and the dots of white glow on the black  background. Painted on textured wood, it depicts a figure enclosed in the egg shape of an aura. The colors that swirl in space represent the emotional storms and energy surrounding our bodies. And of course there are the chakras.

Even more amazing is the effect this work has on people. It literally gets them to see themselves in a different light. Not long ago, while it was on display, people stopped in midstride, exclaimed in awe, and took pictures of it. The work itself is simply dots of paint on a wooden background.

The language of art speaks to people in a different voice. It is the language of images and visuals and imagination – the place of intuition, inspiration, stillness and peace, where I am the happiest and feel the most at home. If I could wave a magic wand and have everyone in the world express their creativity in a voice that makes them sing, the world would be a happier place, because we are never happier than when we are creating.

The process of creating art, for me, is simply bringing the non-physical into tangible form. It struck me not long ago that we create our lives the same way. Our feelings, our emotions, our imaginings, our hopes and dreams exist in the nonphysical. Then through our actions, our words, and our thoughts, the vision of our life is brought into being. The question before us is not the process of how. The bigger question ceaselessly resonating within us always is why.

